Tuesday, September 18, 2007

He's Baaaaaaccccckkkk

So after the meeting with the RA Kevin has been extremely nice too me. So nice it scares me. And he keeps asking "are you sick?" "are you sure youre not sick?" So i feel like one day I'm gonna be poisoned or something lol. He keeps offering to bring me back food to the room.
Today in the afternoon, the door opens and Ying casually walks in. He missed three days of school. I asked if he was okay, and he said no, I am going to die. I said did you go see a doctor, he said yes I am not contagious. I said whats wrong, and he said I am sick, and I said I know but what did the doctor say, he said I am not contagious....this went on for a while unill Ying finally said. ohhh the doctor said i do not get enough sleep. - Now it turns out in Yings absence, the first available detriple was ready, but since he wasnt here another room got it. - So Ying lied in bed and muttered Im dying as i went to class. As far as I can tell he just is over tired because he has insomnia, so im not too concerned. When I got back from class, he had draped sheets over his bed. (he is in the bottom bunk so he hung them through the top bunk, and made himself walls) and now he has a little fort to lye in misery.

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