Sunday, October 7, 2007

Late Night Convos Part I

So this conversation actually made me like Ying, and kinda feel bad for him. But even still, his craziness is still entertaining, but now I just kinda have sympathy for him. So this is a convo between Ying and I that I wrote down as it happened so I wouldn't forget:

Y: John, can you stop typing, I can't sleep w. all the noise
J: Stop typing!? No.
Y: How much longer will you continue?
J: I'm doing homework. When ever I'm done.
Y: Oh John? I don't know english. You speak so fast! Your words sound like "Rah rah rah rah rah"

-Time Elapses-

J: Okay Ying I'm done.
Y: What was that?
J: Nevermind.
Y: In China you can say "(he tells me how to say nevermind in Chineese)"
J: I don't know what you mean?
Y: How mny sisters do you have?
J: 2
Y: Oh there is a girl here who looks like you. Mabye she could be your sister?
J: NO, my sister doesn't live here.
Y: You know how all Asians look the same?
J: No, I don't think so?
Y: Good, talking about China makes me feel better.
J: Thats good, you were only sleep deprived, not sick. It wasn't that serious, but I'm glad.
Y: Oh John? Your talking is giving me another migrain.

-Ying turns on my desk light-

J: What are you doing at my desk!!!!??
Y: I need to cover this light.
J: What light?
Y: (points to the tiny blue light in the corner of my lab top that never shuts off)
Y: I don' understand
J: You're trying to tell me this little blue light is keeping you awake? Its always there!?
Y: I know every night is bad.
J: Don't touch my computer please.
Y: John you are so funny (as he places a key infront of the light to block it)
J: Why? ( not understanding how im funny when i just got annoied)
Y: Never mind. Poor English.

-Time Alapses, I'm almost asleep, as Ying always begs me to be-

Y: John, I'm hungry.
J: You just ate?
Y: It's never enough.
J: Ying if you keep eating you won't be able to fall asleep.
Y: ohhhhh really!
J: Yes. Did you take your ambien today?
Y: Yes
J: Then just try and go to bed. - You know you really should have had a doctor write you something to get you a single.
Y: How do I do that?
J: Well who perscribed the ambien for you?
Y: My psychiatrist.
J: Have him write you a note saying you need silence.
Y: What do you think of Kevin?
J: Uhhh? He's fine?
Y: I don't know I worry about him - all the beer and everything?
J: Just because you drink beer, it doesn't make you a bad person.
Y: I never thought like that? - John, am I crazy?
J: Why do you say that?
Y: My doctor.
J: no a lot of people see physicatrists, you're not crazy.
Y: So you know all the medicine I'm on, and you still want to be my friend?
J: of course.
Y: That make me feel good.

Y: John? You have a girlfriend?
J: No
Y: Oh, but you are so attractive?
J: haha, thanks, but no.
Y: Okay, get one later.
J: I'll see what I can do.
Y: Good night.

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