So the other day we got a detripling notice, and after a long, very log, chain of events. I now live in a different building, so sorry to say there will be no more adventures of Ying and Kevin, and I never got a picture.
After we got our notice I went to see the new room Ying went to visit the potential room mate. He came back to me and said "John the new room mate smokes." I reminded Ying, just because a person smokes it doesn't mean he s a bad person. I visited the new room and came back to tell Ying I wanted to leave, and for the first time ever i saw him make a face that wasn't smiling, and is someone had killed his dog he asked "So you're leaving me with Kevin?" then began to tear. I felt bad, and I re-met with the new possible room mate and realized living with him would be normal, but I didn't really for see a friendship, so I told Ying we would vote that we both don't like living with Kevin, and I will stay with him on the condition he allows me to open the blinds and turn on the lights. and he said thank you and agreed. Kevin tried sabotaging this plan by not coming to our meeting to decide who leaves. Finally when he got back to the room we voted and Kevin didn't like the results, and threw a bit of a temper tantrum. Ying went to get the RA, and after an upsurd ridiculous argument we found out that we would be staying tripled if no one could agree, and we would stop getting money back for it. If Kevin had to leave he wasn't going to sign the paper, and if I left Ying wasn't going to sign. Finally I had a private conversation with the RA, and it was sorted out that I could move with out an areement. Ying then kept trying to rationalize Kevin's behavior... They both know I left them in a ridiculous situation. Kevin told me to come back and visit, and he was going to make Yig's life a living hell, and Ying went and got a contract made by the RA to try and better his living conditions. Ying kept talking to me like a normal human and for a bit I actually began to feel bad I was leaving him, and I kinda did want to live with him, i enjoy him, and hey the blog could have continued... but to have stayed tripled would have been bad. So i gave Ying my phone number, and i figured that would be fine. Then in the sofest deadliest almost seductive whisper ying told me "the most important thing for me is that I help you move" Then he started taking off my sheets and, touching my stuff so i stopped him. Finally on my last trip out of the room ying said, "John if we can't live together, mabye we will se each other on the streets?" I said of course! Then he said "John we are best friends right? for life? and i said yes. and he said okay good, and I left and he began to cry. I can't help but feel bad, and kind of miss him. But I think its best for me what happened.
I feel bad for ending the blog, but it went out strong, and if I ever run into the guys again, I'll post an epilouge at the end of the semester. Its been real guys!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Ying Is Healthy
So Ying is no longer sick and I dont know whats worse: Healthy Ying or sick Ying. He is absolutely CRAZY. Its kind of entertaining. Im pretty sure he can jump from his tent to the door in one leap and change his clothes while in mid air. I feel like he just bounces around the room like an Anamaniac. He's always asking me questions now too. He wants me to give him voice lessons. and last night i had just lied down to bed, and he asked what he should learn if he wanted to learn piano. I replied Piano? but that wasnt the answer he was looking for. I never have any idea what he's talking about. I need to get a video of him. She is constantly changing his clothes and he wears those long underwear like men wore in prairie times. and then he always wears at least 2 sweaters with a ski jacket and ski hat. He has glasses and spiky hair (not gelled, it just like pops up, i think its form the ski hat). He has braces, and always smiles... even when he gets mad at Kevin which really makes you feel like he's mocking you. He caries around a rolly back pack with him everywhere - even the bathroom, the zipper doesnt close and it has nothing in it except one rice pot, that kind of just bobs around.
It's Always Hard To Say Goodbye.
So Kevin overheard me talking about applying to Hunter while I was on the phone with my sister yesterday. He was visibly upset. He spent a good few minutes before I had to leave for class trying to convince me of what a good school Stony Brook is and I should stay... I really don't understand how he could think were friends, I don't get why he even likes
I'm thinking its best he does like me because last night he was talking about killing people. I guess he wanted to join a club or a frat (I don't ask too many questions), but anyway he gave someone 300 dollars and then they like didn't accept him? I dunno hes mad at someone. So I guess this weekend hes putting something in their weed that will rot out their teeth. And all his friends were like DUDE THAT CAN KILL SOMEONE, and hes like no it will just destroy their mouth, Ive done it before. I really don't care, because Kevin is the biggest loser in the world, and I really don't believe he has the balls to do something mean. He just tries to sound tough, and he always reminds us he's form Queens... Ying however was very frightened.
I feel like this is just the thing I need to use to go to the RHD and say I feel threatened and get my room switched, but I feel like this is serious and can get messy and I dont want to go through so much when he probably wasn't serous anyway.
I'm thinking its best he does like me because last night he was talking about killing people. I guess he wanted to join a club or a frat (I don't ask too many questions), but anyway he gave someone 300 dollars and then they like didn't accept him? I dunno hes mad at someone. So I guess this weekend hes putting something in their weed that will rot out their teeth. And all his friends were like DUDE THAT CAN KILL SOMEONE, and hes like no it will just destroy their mouth, Ive done it before. I really don't care, because Kevin is the biggest loser in the world, and I really don't believe he has the balls to do something mean. He just tries to sound tough, and he always reminds us he's form Queens... Ying however was very frightened.
I feel like this is just the thing I need to use to go to the RHD and say I feel threatened and get my room switched, but I feel like this is serious and can get messy and I dont want to go through so much when he probably wasn't serous anyway.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Asian Humor?
Ying got back from the shower and said can you smell? and I said yes and he said can you smell my shampoo? and i said no. and he said really it smells so good. then cracked up laughing. I looked confused and he said never mind it was a joke. I was just kidding.... i don't know either?
Late Night Convos Part III
In the middle of the night Ying goes john. joooohn. johhhhhnnnnn. john. john jooohhhnn. i finally wake up thinking wouldn't you stop after you realized the person is not answering. So I lied in bed hoping he would just stop but I finally just said "What?" when i realized it wasn't, and he said oh? as if suprised I answered and asked" are you sleeping" and i said yes. and he said oh okay...... THAT SORT OF THING DOESN"T HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE! it happens in cartoons and movies.
Late Night Convos Part II
After this long conversation (I think our first conversation ever lol) Kevin comes into the room at like 330 in the morning, wakes me up so he can say "Goodnight John" then Ying pops out of his fort underneath me shouting why do you not say goodnight to me!!!?? you say good night to john but not me, then they argued for a while as i tried to fall back asleep, unable to believe this was actually happening.
Late Night Convos Part I
So this conversation actually made me like Ying, and kinda feel bad for him. But even still, his craziness is still entertaining, but now I just kinda have sympathy for him. So this is a convo between Ying and I that I wrote down as it happened so I wouldn't forget:
Y: John, can you stop typing, I can't sleep w. all the noise
J: Stop typing!? No.
Y: How much longer will you continue?
J: I'm doing homework. When ever I'm done.
Y: Oh John? I don't know english. You speak so fast! Your words sound like "Rah rah rah rah rah"
-Time Elapses-
J: Okay Ying I'm done.
Y: What was that?
J: Nevermind.
Y: In China you can say "(he tells me how to say nevermind in Chineese)"
J: I don't know what you mean?
Y: How mny sisters do you have?
J: 2
Y: Oh there is a girl here who looks like you. Mabye she could be your sister?
J: NO, my sister doesn't live here.
Y: You know how all Asians look the same?
J: No, I don't think so?
Y: Good, talking about China makes me feel better.
J: Thats good, you were only sleep deprived, not sick. It wasn't that serious, but I'm glad.
Y: Oh John? Your talking is giving me another migrain.
-Ying turns on my desk light-
J: What are you doing at my desk!!!!??
Y: I need to cover this light.
J: What light?
Y: (points to the tiny blue light in the corner of my lab top that never shuts off)
Y: I don' understand
J: You're trying to tell me this little blue light is keeping you awake? Its always there!?
Y: I know every night is bad.
J: Don't touch my computer please.
Y: John you are so funny (as he places a key infront of the light to block it)
J: Why? ( not understanding how im funny when i just got annoied)
Y: Never mind. Poor English.
-Time Alapses, I'm almost asleep, as Ying always begs me to be-
Y: John, I'm hungry.
J: You just ate?
Y: It's never enough.
J: Ying if you keep eating you won't be able to fall asleep.
Y: ohhhhh really!
J: Yes. Did you take your ambien today?
Y: Yes
J: Then just try and go to bed. - You know you really should have had a doctor write you something to get you a single.
Y: How do I do that?
J: Well who perscribed the ambien for you?
Y: My psychiatrist.
J: Have him write you a note saying you need silence.
Y: What do you think of Kevin?
J: Uhhh? He's fine?
Y: I don't know I worry about him - all the beer and everything?
J: Just because you drink beer, it doesn't make you a bad person.
Y: I never thought like that? - John, am I crazy?
J: Why do you say that?
Y: My doctor.
J: no a lot of people see physicatrists, you're not crazy.
Y: So you know all the medicine I'm on, and you still want to be my friend?
J: of course.
Y: That make me feel good.
Y: John? You have a girlfriend?
J: No
Y: Oh, but you are so attractive?
J: haha, thanks, but no.
Y: Okay, get one later.
J: I'll see what I can do.
Y: Good night.
Y: John, can you stop typing, I can't sleep w. all the noise
J: Stop typing!? No.
Y: How much longer will you continue?
J: I'm doing homework. When ever I'm done.
Y: Oh John? I don't know english. You speak so fast! Your words sound like "Rah rah rah rah rah"
-Time Elapses-
J: Okay Ying I'm done.
Y: What was that?
J: Nevermind.
Y: In China you can say "(he tells me how to say nevermind in Chineese)"
J: I don't know what you mean?
Y: How mny sisters do you have?
J: 2
Y: Oh there is a girl here who looks like you. Mabye she could be your sister?
J: NO, my sister doesn't live here.
Y: You know how all Asians look the same?
J: No, I don't think so?
Y: Good, talking about China makes me feel better.
J: Thats good, you were only sleep deprived, not sick. It wasn't that serious, but I'm glad.
Y: Oh John? Your talking is giving me another migrain.
-Ying turns on my desk light-
J: What are you doing at my desk!!!!??
Y: I need to cover this light.
J: What light?
Y: (points to the tiny blue light in the corner of my lab top that never shuts off)
Y: I don' understand
J: You're trying to tell me this little blue light is keeping you awake? Its always there!?
Y: I know every night is bad.
J: Don't touch my computer please.
Y: John you are so funny (as he places a key infront of the light to block it)
J: Why? ( not understanding how im funny when i just got annoied)
Y: Never mind. Poor English.
-Time Alapses, I'm almost asleep, as Ying always begs me to be-
Y: John, I'm hungry.
J: You just ate?
Y: It's never enough.
J: Ying if you keep eating you won't be able to fall asleep.
Y: ohhhhh really!
J: Yes. Did you take your ambien today?
Y: Yes
J: Then just try and go to bed. - You know you really should have had a doctor write you something to get you a single.
Y: How do I do that?
J: Well who perscribed the ambien for you?
Y: My psychiatrist.
J: Have him write you a note saying you need silence.
Y: What do you think of Kevin?
J: Uhhh? He's fine?
Y: I don't know I worry about him - all the beer and everything?
J: Just because you drink beer, it doesn't make you a bad person.
Y: I never thought like that? - John, am I crazy?
J: Why do you say that?
Y: My doctor.
J: no a lot of people see physicatrists, you're not crazy.
Y: So you know all the medicine I'm on, and you still want to be my friend?
J: of course.
Y: That make me feel good.
Y: John? You have a girlfriend?
J: No
Y: Oh, but you are so attractive?
J: haha, thanks, but no.
Y: Okay, get one later.
J: I'll see what I can do.
Y: Good night.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Halloween Already?
There is a post that belongs before this, but it takes longer to write, so Im goin out of cronological order. Ying showed me a box of Dots (the candy) and asked is this candy? And I said yes, He said Im not sure if Im suppose to be eating this? I said why? he said I found it outside. and I said yeah no youre not, thats probably why youre sick. Then he got deprssed and started watching Asian soapOperas with the sound turned off...... Also yesterday i was on the train, and there were a few other people on it and about 30 open seats, and Kevin also happened to be on it. He said Hey john mind if I sit with you, and i said Kevin there are 30 other open seats, yeah I do.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
He's Baaaaaaccccckkkk
So after the meeting with the RA Kevin has been extremely nice too me. So nice it scares me. And he keeps asking "are you sick?" "are you sure youre not sick?" So i feel like one day I'm gonna be poisoned or something lol. He keeps offering to bring me back food to the room.
Today in the afternoon, the door opens and Ying casually walks in. He missed three days of school. I asked if he was okay, and he said no, I am going to die. I said did you go see a doctor, he said yes I am not contagious. I said whats wrong, and he said I am sick, and I said I know but what did the doctor say, he said I am not contagious....this went on for a while unill Ying finally said. ohhh the doctor said i do not get enough sleep. - Now it turns out in Yings absence, the first available detriple was ready, but since he wasnt here another room got it. - So Ying lied in bed and muttered Im dying as i went to class. As far as I can tell he just is over tired because he has insomnia, so im not too concerned. When I got back from class, he had draped sheets over his bed. (he is in the bottom bunk so he hung them through the top bunk, and made himself walls) and now he has a little fort to lye in misery.
Today in the afternoon, the door opens and Ying casually walks in. He missed three days of school. I asked if he was okay, and he said no, I am going to die. I said did you go see a doctor, he said yes I am not contagious. I said whats wrong, and he said I am sick, and I said I know but what did the doctor say, he said I am not contagious....this went on for a while unill Ying finally said. ohhh the doctor said i do not get enough sleep. - Now it turns out in Yings absence, the first available detriple was ready, but since he wasnt here another room got it. - So Ying lied in bed and muttered Im dying as i went to class. As far as I can tell he just is over tired because he has insomnia, so im not too concerned. When I got back from class, he had draped sheets over his bed. (he is in the bottom bunk so he hung them through the top bunk, and made himself walls) and now he has a little fort to lye in misery.
Monday, September 17, 2007
The Worst - In My Opinion
So I woke up today and Kevin was masturbating, and not even discretely. It was kind of disgusting, so i just left the room. Then I got back, and I guess last Wednesday, he did a laundry, but never dried it and left it sitting in a closed plastic bag ALL 5 days of the break. and now he is taking it out and natrually it smells like molding old wet clothes. So he hung them up all aorund the room and put the fan on to dry them, I left for class. When I came back not only did the room STANK, the whole hall way reeked, i couldnt breathe in my room, so I said Kevin to rewash them, b/c they will mold, and he said these dont smell, youre wrong. so I left to do work outside in fresh air. I cant help but think WHO LEAVES WET CLOTHES IN A SEAL CONTAINER FOR 5 DAYS, and then who denies the smell. When I got back, the clothes were still there, so I told the RA, and finally Kevin re washed them and febreezed the room. HE was anoied I told the RA, so i dont think were stil best friends, but later in the evening when i got back form dinner, he did apologize, so we'll see what happens next!
My BFF Kevin
After Ying left Kevin was more friendly than ever. I came home one day to a note on my desk with 7 dollars saying he took 7 dollars worth of quaters, and he was paying me back.. now my bag of quaters is in my closet and underneath a towel. but hey were as close as brothers (sarcasm!) He asked to ride the train home for break together, but I said I'd help him find a ticket and we would take seperate trains. When we got back from break Ying still didnt come back. Kevin brought a fridge back with him, and said he got it for us and its ours to share, and i can have anythign I want including the water inside of it. I said "thank you but thats okay" because once we star sharing, that gives him even more permission to borough my things - like quaters. But then we had a nice conversation about jews, which made him think we were friends again. I made a joke about Ying and he laughed a little too hard. Then i had to reashure him no one was firing guns outside, until he fell asleep.
The Fall of The Chinese Empire
I came home one night to Ying (who somehoe acquired a lab top) wrapped in a blanket shivering saying he went to a hospital and has a migrain, and cant move, he was scared he was going to die. I tried to reashure him lots of people get headaches, and he just needed rest, and should take his medication, so he had me get offod for him, but when I came back he said "John I am scared I need to go home" So I found him a train, and he left. He took nothing with him not even a lab top or clothes.
Trouble In Paradise
Kevin came home with a poster of beer which apparently upset Ying, so Ying wrote Kevin a note saing "could you please take this down, it makes me think of beer and I am frightened I might start drinking here, and I need to stay focused." After Kevin refused to take it down, sides formed of me and Ying hating Kevin, and Kevin and me hating Ying. Ying brought the problem to the RA saying he cant sleep and everything is a distraction; Kevin is not understanding of his needs etc. I talked to Ying and found out he has insomnia, among who knows what..anxiety I guess, and he is heavily medicated. I warned him a new room mate might not being accomodating to his life style, but he insisted on having the meeting with an RA, and now once a space is found for him, we will be the first triple detripled. Kevin ended the meeting with "John and I are BEST FRIENDS!!:) - How lucky am I!?
Multicultural Madness
For the next week or so I woke up to rice bing made or hearing chinese words being screamed out in sleep. Sometimes there would be strange foods or a carton of milk in a pot of water that wasn't there when I went to sleep. Ying left notes like "feel good" and "where do you buy a bike" and "what does a cricket look like?" on my desk for me. Kevin is a big, fat, obnoxious slob who thinks were best friends, and tells me all about his girlfriend and ridiculous things I dont want to hear. He abuses his girlfriend verbally on the phone saying "youre the only brunette Ive gone out wiht, I only like Blondes you should feel lucky" and "if you ever break up wiht me I'll kill you" and "you should listen to your mom, if she tlaks about me I'll kill her too" and he says how theyre getting married, and just other ridiclous horrible things.
First Impressions
Day one: my parents left around 6:30/7:00, which is also when Ying tells me he needs to go to sleep. All he brought with him were 2 comforters (one with Hello Kitty, the other with Asian Dragons), some pants, a coat, and a bar of soap - no sheets, no book, no computer. So he layed down his comforter and prepaired for bed. I go on the computer, and Kevin leans over my shoulder asking what I'm doing and tring to "help me"... he always wants to help.
Ying cant sleep with any distractions: this means lights on, noise from computer keys being pressed, the sound of a fan blowing, not even the crickets chirping outside. Also sleeping to him apparently means running in and out of the room 173 times a minutes. He had never heard a cricket chirp before, and was convinced by going out aside he could stop them form chirping. He kept doing this, untill i guess tired himself out.
Ying cant sleep with any distractions: this means lights on, noise from computer keys being pressed, the sound of a fan blowing, not even the crickets chirping outside. Also sleeping to him apparently means running in and out of the room 173 times a minutes. He had never heard a cricket chirp before, and was convinced by going out aside he could stop them form chirping. He kept doing this, untill i guess tired himself out.
Move In
Move In day kinda reminded me of Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, when you see all the kids parents and realize where they get it from. I was first to move in, as i finished setting myself up, a rather fat woman busted through the door, speaking Russian or with a heavy accent. She was followed by a small thin man with glasses and a moustache who didnt speak much, and did what he was told by his wife. Lastly Kevin sauntered in, a fat tall boy with curly hair, who didnt say much unless to talk back to his mother. The family was stingy and complained a lot. Finally Ying showed up. His mom, dad, brother and him all seemed to just enter at once. They spoke only Chineese, put down one suitcase and left.
So as we all know, my roomates are annoying. There not terrible it could def. be worse, they could be rude and mean, bu theyre just annoying. BUT I figured if I have to deal with this, I may as well entertain people with it at the same time. So I decided to post all my roommate happenings here for the worlds enjoyment. I swear, nothing is a fabrication!
It began over the summer I recieve the names of my room mates in the mail; Kevin Nepomiashy and Ying Yan. I connacted Kevin on facebook saying " Hi I think were roomates" he responded "oh you found me, i shot the single bed" (this later worked for my advantage, because when I got there the top bunk got an entire desk and closet in the triple, and when Kevin asked "why?" It was because he shot the single bed). Not much later after talking on facebook we got a phone call from Mrs.Neponiashy ( not Kevin, mind you, his mother) She had a thick Russian Jew accent, and was asking for me to bring things which are needed, ya know the essentials like a fan, a full size fridge, a tv, a microwave, lol. So we told her the rooma are small and Im not bringing anything I dont need - like any of that stuff. So she hung up saying she was going to call the other room mate. That was the last we heard of her for the summer.
It began over the summer I recieve the names of my room mates in the mail; Kevin Nepomiashy and Ying Yan. I connacted Kevin on facebook saying " Hi I think were roomates" he responded "oh you found me, i shot the single bed" (this later worked for my advantage, because when I got there the top bunk got an entire desk and closet in the triple, and when Kevin asked "why?" It was because he shot the single bed). Not much later after talking on facebook we got a phone call from Mrs.Neponiashy ( not Kevin, mind you, his mother) She had a thick Russian Jew accent, and was asking for me to bring things which are needed, ya know the essentials like a fan, a full size fridge, a tv, a microwave, lol. So we told her the rooma are small and Im not bringing anything I dont need - like any of that stuff. So she hung up saying she was going to call the other room mate. That was the last we heard of her for the summer.
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